Principles: Leading Yourself First

What are your principles? Have you given them much thought? In many organizations, especially law enforcement agencies, we don’t do a stellar job of training our first-line supervisors in leadership OR management. It is not fair to those who have been selected, but it is also not fair to the employees. You don’t want to get six months (or more) into a supervisory position only to discover that supervision is not something you want to do. Training supervisors in many agencies is a little like being put into a dark room, not being familiar with where things were, and trying our best to turn on the light. Many new supervisors are faced with those challenges—some have even been told, “you’ll learn it on the job.” But what if we were able to utilize a principles-based leadership training system to help smooth that transition? Leading through principles – and having the training, development, and organizational succession planning structure to support this effort -- is essential to givin...