My Philosophy on Mentoring

January is National Mentoring Month and I thought I would share my mentoring philosophy. This is something that I discuss with each mentee, but also I use it to remind myself why I believe so strongly in mentoring. I encourage everyone who is a mentor to write their philosophy down. It can be on a napkin, in a digital notebook, or a physical document. Regardless, take some time to think about what mentoring has meant to you and why you are a mentor. You may want to revise it periodically and update it -- after looking at mine (which is below), I should take my own advice! Please share your mentoring philosophy or those nuggets that you've gained from mentoring experiences. It will help us all be the best mentors we can be. My Mentoring Philosophy I believe that mentoring is an essential ingredient to successful career growth and development, at any stage of our journey. I am the product of having wonderful mentors and sounding boards throughout my career. I see mentoring a...