MOVE-ing In the Right Direction

Early this year, a book was published by David Noble and Carol Kauffman called Real-Time Leadership: Find Your Winning Moves When the Stakes Are High (Harvard Business Press). David and Carol are both executive coaches and have an amazing storytelling ability in their book. I first heard Carol on the Coaching for Leaders Podcast and it was so intriguing that I purchased the book. After several delays, I was finally able to finish it this week. 

Their book and cues for executive coaching are excellent and I appreciated their MOVE model for its ease and simplicity:

  • M--Be Mindfully Alert
  • O--Generate Options
  • V--Validate Your Vantage Point
  • E--Engage and Effect Change
I especially appreciate their framework on the "Four Leans":
  • Lean In 
  • Lean Out
  • Lean With
  • Don't Lean
I've created a summary here, but the book is an excellent and very insightful read. I highly recommend it. Note that I have not received anything for this, nor does the Amazon link below do anything for me financially. 



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