My Adaptive Leadership Journey

When I first picked up The Practice of Adaptive Leadership (2009), my first thought was, “oh, great, another theoretical leadership book to read.” But as I got deeper into it, I really came to appreciate how it was structured, and the various tools and techniques it offered. I have been able to use these adaptive leadership skills and hopefully will be able to implement more in the future. This book speaks to my leadership journey over the past few years, very well. I normally do not like introductory sections of books; they often feel very superficial. But this book was different – and it gave me the pause to really consider what it was all about. When they began by saying that “answers cannot come from on high,” I really began to pay attention. This idea that we—those without power or position—could in fact orchestrate major change and exercise leadership was a brilliant, and daunting, concept. The introduction a...